Are you confident that prospective clients understand the full benefit and outcome of working with you as their financial services professional? One way to encourage idealprospects to convert into ideal clients is by using what I call a “Branded System.”
A Branded System is your structured process that ultimately delivers the outcome you’re committed to for your ideal clients. Your Branded System does not include your sales process, although it does support and enhance it.
The #1 benefit of a Branded System is that it helps you clearly describe and articulate your services to your ideal clients. Once you have gone through my process to create your own, you will be more personally grounded in the way you describe your services, which will make them easier for prospects to understand. A strong Branded System will encourage your prospects to become your clients!
How to Create a Branded System:
I invite you to begin by thinking about the ultimate outcome your clients experience with regards to your services. This could be consolidating their assets into as few accounts as possible, analyzing all of their investments, or thinking through their financial concerns and helping them determine solutions in alignment with their goals. This exercise will help you create your Branded System.
To get started, “zoom out” as much as possible on the overall experience your clients have working with you. Think as broadly as possible, and write down what you come up with.
Once you have an idea of the overall client experience, think about the absolute first step in your client process. An example might be meeting with your client and having a conversation about what they are currently facing and what they want to achieve. Record this as well.
Continue the process and continue making notes of what you come up with in a detailed way. What is the next step? This could be gathering all of the client’s financial data. Continue repeating this process until you have outlined, in detail, all of the steps in your client experience until you reach the original ultimate outcome that your clients have working with you.
By the time you are done, you should have a very clear outline of your process. For marketing purposes, your Branded System will have a certain number of steps. The key is to keep the number relatively small (between 7-9 steps). If you have many more than that, look at them and consider where you can group them together into fewer steps.
How might you use your Branded System?
1. During your prospect meeting. It serves as a marketing tool both for your prospects to see your process, and for you as a visual aid to help you keep the conversation focused.
2. During client meetings. It is a great way to educate your clients about the full range of services you provide. On many occasions, I have heard clients share their frustration of their clients having gone elsewhere for services or to buy products that they didn’t know their own financial services professional also provided, like life insurance, long term care insurance, or 401k rollovers.
3. In your marketing materials
4. On your website
If you would like assistance creating or refining your own Branded System, email me today: