

How to Keep Your Motivation Going Long Term

Whether you’re a business owner or financial advisor feeling under pressure to keep your motivation and work output high, it’s normal for enthusiasm to falter on occasion. Keeping motivation running high long term can be a challenge, and this is something I love to work on with my clients. Here are the top reasons I see motivation impacted, and how you can get your head back in the game.

Issue #1:

Long hours with little or no time off is common amongst RIA owners and other financial services professionals. When you feel responsible for your own bottom line, it can be hard to get to a point when it feels comfortable to take a break without worrying that you’re hurting your business. Once your business is running well, however, it’s important to cultivate a healthy balance that allows you to take care of yourself in addition to taking care of your business and your clients.

If you’re not at a place yet to take a vacation, there are small but impactful ways you can build restorative breaks into your work routine. A simple place to start is lunch breaks – do you regularly take them? (And do you take lunch breaks away from your desk?) Other areas that also often get neglected are exercise, healthy diet, and time with friends and family. If you’re finding that long hours are negatively impacting your life outside of work, it is likely time to start delegating some of your lower level tasks so that you can cultivate a work/life balance that is comfortable and will support you in doing your best work.

Issue #2:

Another issue that can stall motivation is lacking a long term plan, which can make some advisors feel like they’re working and working, without seeing progress or understanding how what they’re doing fits into their long term vision.

If you’re feeling like you are lacking that sense of what your efforts are doing for your long term plan, take time to think about your “Big Why” – why you are in this business and why it’s important to you. Another helpful technique is having a sense of smaller stepping stones along the way toward your larger goals, and staying on top of tracking your progress along the way. Another great way to help sustain your motivation long term is having someone help you implement your grand plans. If you’re playing a big game and feel you would benefit from someone helping you implement your vision, I invite you to consider my array of coaching programs. I would love to help you carry out your vision!

Issue #3:

An unappealing or uncomfortable office environment can also negatively impact overall enthusiasm and motivation for work. Does your space inspire you to do your best work or when you’re at the work, are you more inspired to leave? To improve your work environment, I’d invite you to think about what’s missing. Do you need to paint it a color that feels good to you, hang up some appealing art on the walls, invest in a standing desk, or find some better lighting? If you’re feeling uninspired looking around your office but aren’t sure where to start, ask yourself what you could do for yourself that would make your office a place you’d want to go? What makes you feel productive and energized?

If you want to make sure your motivation remains strong and steady to support long term success, I would love to speak with you. Reach out to me today: susan@susandanzig.com

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