

How an Outside Perspective Can Amplify Your Results

Have you ever made a plan but had trouble following through with it? You’re not alone. What I have found is that it is incredibly hard to change our behavior on our own. We often need something new – whether a new structure, a new system, a new employee or a new person’s influence, etc – to change an existing pattern and drive the new desired action. Most people are not successful in creating a new vision or venture without bringing in fresh thinking to the equation.

I’d like to share a client story to share with you more about how an outside perspective can be game-changing. When I first met this client, he was vacillating about engaging with me for coaching. He was already a very seasoned advisor with a successful business, and was looking to attract a younger advisor to support his succession plan with his financial advisory practice, as he wanted to start a new company with a different focus.

During our conversation, he realized that there were more factors to take into consideration to exit his existing financial services practice than he had previously realized were necessary. He gained clarity around what needed to happen for him to fulfill his intentions and the necessary implementation and accountability structure for those desired results to unfold.

Through our conversations he began to realize the value of an outside expert who could be objective about feedback and input during the transitional period of his succession plan. This is critical because oftentimes left to our own devices, we have our same thoughts about what should happen and how it should happen. When you bring in an outside objective expert into the equation, fresh thinking and solutions often occur and results tend to unfold more quickly, successfully, and with significantly less stress. 

Along with fresh thinking, oftentimes we tend to think if we have a plan we can move forward and implement easily and quickly. In my experience, multiple factors can get in the way and slow the process, for example, one’s business already being busy and taking up the time and energy needed to implement a new plan. Other priorities get in the way and it’s easy to fail to honor the time we need to actually make change happen.

Over many years in this business, I’ve witnessed human behavior on a large scale, and seen what works and what doesn’t. I bring a vast amount of experience to the table with my clients. While they’ve had their own personal experience, and might have heard of situations colleagues have gone through, they typically haven’t seen the diversity that I have in this realm.

Are you ready to finally move past your obstacles and fulfill your goals? Are you ready see the results you’ve always wanted to unfold in your practice? I can help you find solutions, and create the results you want to see. Reach out to me today: susan@susandanzig.com. I would love to speak with you and determine what will best enhance your game.

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