

Get an Accountability Buddy and Set Up the Relationship for Winning Results

Accountability is one of the keys to supporting your desired results.  If you would like to find a colleague who is inspired to create a win/win accountability buddy structure, there are a few keys to setting up the relationship for winning results for both you and your buddy:

  1. Choose an accountability buddy that you respect to give you objective feedback.
  2. Have a goal-setting session together to support the results that you want to see happen over the course of the year.
  3. Determine the time frames (or deadline dates) that you want to see actions and results.
  4. Agree upon the level and frequency of accountability you want.  Determine when and where you will you meet or connect by phone, the length of the meetings, and the type of support you want and are comfortable committing to for your accountability buddy.
  5. Honor the model that you set up.  That means be on time to the meetings, give each person adequate time to be supported and take action consistent to the goals that you set.
  6. Plan to revisit the relationship periodically, either quarterly, semi-annually, or once a year. If something isn’t working for either of you, be willing to address it and make adjustments.

If all that seems like a lot of work, but you love the idea of a supercharged accountability system, I am starting an Advisor Mastery Program in January. Let me help you take the work out of the planning part so you can simply enjoy the benefits of being in a mastermind and having that regular accountability process managed for you and so much more.

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